Bellagio Mall Klinik Apa Bisa Pakai Bpjs

Bellagio Mall Klinik Apa Bisa Pakai Bpjs

Pilihan Produk Kondom yang Bagus

Kondom tersedia dalam berbagai ukuran, bentuk, tekstur, warna, dan rasa yang dapat disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan penggunanya. Dengan banyaknya varian kondom, aktivitas senggama dengan pasangan Anda jadi lebih aman dan menggairahkan, serta lebih memuaskan.

Berikut adalah beberapa produk kondom yang bagus untuk digunakan saat bercinta:

Kondom Durex Performa terbuat dari bahan latex alami dengan pelumas khusus yang mengandung benzocaine 5%. Formula dari kondom ini diyakini bisa membuat pria lebih tahan lama saat bercinta, serta mengurangi risiko kondom robek atau lecet di organ intim.

Sagami Extreme Super Thin terkenal sebagai kondom lateks premium yang super tipis dan berkualitas tinggi. Kondom yang tebalnya hanya 0,02 mm ini dilengkapi pelumas yang sesuai dengan pH vagina. Dengan memakai Sagami Extreme Super Thin, kenikmatan selama penetrasi akan terasa lebih maksimal.

Kondom Fiesta Ultra Thin terbuat dari bahan lateks alami dengan pelumas berbahan dasar air. Kondom ini hanya memiliki ketebalan 0,04 mm sehingga memberikan sensasi sentuhan yang alami seperti tanpa memakai kondom. Meski tipis, kondom ini aman dipakai karena sudah memenuhi standar kualitas internasional.

Supreme Sensation adalah merek kondom berbahan lateks dengan tekstur bergerigi yang bisa menambah kepuasan seks suami istri. Fitur gerigi pada kondom ini dapat merangsang saraf vagina dan klitoris dengan lebih baik sehingga wanita bisa lebih mudah mencapai orgasme.

Sutra Gerigi merupakan salah satu kondom lateks bergerigi yang disukai pasangan. Tekstur gerigi pada kondom akan memberikan rangsangan ekstra pada organ intim wanita saat senggama sehingga mudah mencapai klimaks. Pelumas ekstra pada kondom ini akan membuat hubungan seks makin nyaman dan menyenangkan.

Okamoto Harmony Vibra Ribbed dirancang dengan tekstur bergerigi yang lebih menonjol dan memberikan sensasi getaran-getaran lembut seperti memakai vibrator. Kondom buatan Jepang ini terbuat dari sheerlon yang lebih lembut dari lateks biasa sehingga nyaman saat digunakan saat bercinta.

One Mixed Pleasure merupakan merek kondom lateks yang dirancang dengan teknologi Sensatex. Kondom ini sangat lembut dan lentur sehingga memberikan sensasi maksimal saat berhubungan intim.

One Mixed Pleasure berisi 3 varian kondom, yaitu varian Super Sensitive yang sangat tipis, varian Super Studs dengan bintil-bintil yang besar, dan varian Glowing Pleasures yang bisa memancarkan cahaya dalam ruangan gelap. Dengan 3 varian kondom ini, bercinta menjadi lebih menyenangkan dan memuaskan.

Fiesta Strawberry merupakan kondom rasa yang terbuat dari bahan lateks alami beraroma stroberi. Tambahan rasa dan aroma stroberi pada kondom ini dipercaya dapat memberikan kenikmatan tersendiri saat bercinta, khususnya ketika melakukan seks oral.

Okamoto Cool merupakan salah satu jenis alat kontrasepsi yang terbuat dari bahan lateks alami yang tipis, kuat, elastis, dan lembut. Kondom ini dilengkapi dengan pelumas menthol pada bagian luar dan dalam kondom sehingga dapat memberikan sensasi dingin bagi Anda dan pasangan saat bercinta.

Penting untuk diingat, semua varian kondom di atas memiliki tingkat efektivitas sekitar 98 persen dalam mencegah kehamilan apabila digunakan dengan benar. Oleh karena itu, pastikan Anda sudah memahami cara pakai kondom yang tepat agar hubungan seks aman dan memuaskan.

Hindari menggunakan kondom yang telah melewati tanggal kedaluwarsa. Selain itu, jangan menyimpan kondom di dalam dompet karena tekanan dan gesekan dalam dompet serta suhu yang panas dapat menyebabkan kondom bocor atau rusak.

What is around Bellagio Mall in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta?

The area around Bellagio Mall is popular for a few reasons:

The Bellagio Boutique Mall

Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat, No.3, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta, ID

Accommodation Choices

Some of Jakarta’s best properties are located within only a few hundred meters away from Bellagio Mall such as:

These properties are located around corporate towers. Therefore, there are restaurants catering to affluent guests scattered in different buildings throughout this area. Expect high service standards and great amenities at these properties.

You can walk around in the Mega Kuningan area as well. Unlike most areas of Jakarta, the area around Bellagio Mall does have sidewalks!

Mega Kuningan is one of the most children-friendly areas of Jakarta, making it possible to walk from one of these hotels to Bellagio Mall or one of the other malls described above.

If you are looking to check out some pubs and clubs near Bellagio Mall there are also some excellent choices nearby that are located in many of the hotels and corporate towers throughout Mega Kuningan.

Shopping at Bellagio Mall in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta

When you visit Bellagio Mall it won’t take you long to realize that it is much different than the mega malls in the city. It is small but specialized. It is much quieter than other malls in the city. Check out the restaurants on the ground floor – some of them are awesome!!!

Kondom mengurangi kenikmatan bercinta itu cuma mitos. Kini ada varian kondom yang bisa menambah sensasi dan kepuasan seks, seperti kondom tipis anti bocor, kondom untuk hubungan seks yang tahan lama, kondom bergerigi, kondom glow in the dark, hingga kondom dengan rasa yang unik.

Kondom pria merupakan alat kontrasepsi yang paling populer. Jika digunakan dengan benar, kondom efektif menghalangi sperma memasuki vagina dan mencapai sel telur. Dengan begitu, kondom bisa mencegah terjadinya kehamilan.

Kondom juga mampu mencegah penularan penyakit seksual. Selain itu, kondom mudah didapat, murah, praktis dibawa kemana saja, dan tidak ribet digunakan.

) Shopping Opportunities

If you decide to stay at a hotel near Bellagio Mall then you will have a surplus of shopping malls to visit as well. Actually, this area of Jakarta is one of the best locations for shopping in the entire city.

North of Bellagio Mall you will be able to complete either a short walk or drive to get to the following shopping centers:

Lotte Shopping Avenue is a large mall that is centered around its Lotte Department Store. It is also physically attached to what many consider the best hotel in the entire city – Raffles Jakarta. It commonly gets rated around 9.5/10 on major accommodation sites which is simply remarkable. They even have rooms that come with a personal butler for the duration of your stay!

Just a few hundred meters away from Raffles and Lotte, you will see ITC Kuningan and Mal Ambassador.

Both of these are popular electronics malls that are connected to each other. They both have an excellent selection of computers, hand phones, and local food choices. You can get to either one of these by walking/driving 1 km north of Bellagio Mall.

If you walk another 300-400 east of Mall Ambassador, you will reach Kuningan City Mall.

This is quite similar to Lotte Shopping Avenue in terms of international chains. It has a cinema on the top floor. International blockbusters are shown in English with Bahasa Indonesian subtitles.

A few other malls within a couple of kilometers of Bellagio Mall include Plaza Festival and Kota Kasablanka.

As mentioned before, foreign and domestic tourists also enjoy the Mega Kuningan area because of awesome restaurants and hotels.

Bellagio Boutique Mall - jakarta: Working hours, Activities, Visitor reviews

BLok E4, Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat No.3, RT.5/RW.2, Kuningan, Kuningan Tim., Kecamatan Setiabudi, Kota Jakarta Selatan, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 15810, Indonesia

The complete guide to Bellagio Boutique Mall in Kuningan.

Bellagio Mall is a small shopping center located in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta.

In case you are not familiar, Mega Kuningan is a nice modern area of South Jakarta. It is located about 6 km south of the Monas – Indonesia’s National Monument.

Mega Kuningan consists of large corporate towers, excellent restaurants, some of Jakarta’s best hotels and of course, shopping malls. Bellagio Mall, unlike many malls in Jakarta, specializes in small boutique shops.

Since Bellagio Mall is surrounded by large towers, it serves as a convenient spot for people doing business to grab lunch or dinner. It is quite small when compared to some of Jakarta’s other megamalls such as Grand Indonesia and Mal Kelapa Gading. This makes it easy to navigate if you are looking for a specific product or restaurant.

Many of the stores in Bellagio Mall are small boutique outlets opposed to large internationally branded chains. The mall is really easy to navigate.

When you arrive at Bellagio Mall you will notice that most of the restaurants and shops surround a large central atrium in the middle of the mall.

On the ground floor there is a nice selection of restaurants to choose from considering its size. Some of them are very popular with Jakartans and they have quite reasonable prices considering that they are located in Kuningan’s business district. You can find both local and international restaurants when you visit Bellagio Mall in Jakarta. Mexican and Indian dishes are available at popular restaurants.

On the top floor of Bellagio Mall there is a food court that you might want to check out if you are looking for more affordable food options.

Bellagio Mall does not have a cinema, therefore you will have to go one of the other malls in the Kuningan area to find one. Kota Kasablanka or Lotte Shopping Avenue are options you may want to consider.

Closest Hotels to Bellagio Mall in Jakarta

***Organized according to Star Rating